

Joe Kovaleski, Shirley Woika,
Dennis Seaman


The Association of School Psychologists of Pennsylvania was founded in 1979 with the mission to represent and support school psychology through leadership to enhance the mental health and competence of all children.
The Association of School Psychologists of Pennsylvania is dedicated to ensuring that a continuum of empirically-based, research-validated school psychological services is available to all children and that the highest standard of personal and professional competence as well as professionalism and ethical conduct is practiced at all levels of practice and the association as evidenced by our strategic plan and adherence to the NASP Principles for Professional Ethics

Diversity is welcomed, respected, and honored at all levels of practice and by the Association of School Psychologists of Pennsylvania and cultural competence is evident and promoted by the association at all levels of practice.
The Association of School Psychologists of Pennsylvania is committed to provide high-quality professional development to support this mission.