InSight is the official publication of ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS OF PENNSYLVANIA (ASPP), which is an affiliate of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS (NASP). InSight is published four times a year (September, December, March, May/June) as a service to the ASPP membership. Copies are also sent to members of the NASP newsletter editors network and to the chairs of the school psychology programs in Pennsylvania. It is an open forum for news, views and issues affecting the field of school psychology. ASPP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, educational and scientific association of school psychologists with the goal of serving the educational and mental health needs of children within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The content of the newsletter and the opinions expressed by the contributors do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of ASPP or of the Executive Board members. Endorsement is not implied in the publication of product reviews, advertisements or announcements.
Comments, letters and articles relevant to the profession are welcomed. Articles and reports of factual information may be edited to conform to space and format limitations and/or to improve clarity without the permission of the author. Expressions of opinion, as in a letter to the editor and editorials, may be edited only with the authors consent. Unsigned letters or articles will not be published.
Articles are submitted to the editor via e-mail. Features articles should be no longer than 1,500 words in length. Authors are required to use the stylistic and formatting conventions of the current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Contact the editor for further information.
All uncopyrighted material in this newsletter may be reproduced by reciprocating state newsletter editors provided that the source and author(s) are credited. The permission of the copyright holder is needed to reprint copyrighted material. Editors condensing or modifying a reprinted article are expected to so note to their readers.
Forward material to: Lauren Kaiser, InSight Co-Editor at e-mail:
Design by: Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Center for Media Production and Research
Co-Editors: Robin Hojnoski, Lauren Kaiser
Assistant Editors: Krysty Tamanini, Tonya Ross, Tim Runge, Sara Wendell