00:37:23 Caitlin Bennyhoff: https://www.menti.com/ 00:38:31 Jen Skirtich: Not seeing it 00:46:27 Nikole Hollins-Sims: PA Dept of Ed Trauma Page: https://www.education.pa.gov/Schools/safeschools/MentalHealth/Trauma/Pages/default.aspx 00:49:15 Nikole Hollins-Sims: PDE Trauma Dictionary: https://www.education.pa.gov/Documents/K-12/Safe%20Schools/MentalHealth/Empowerment%20Through%20Common%20Langauge%20in%20PA.pdf 01:05:23 Nikole Hollins-Sims: PDF of presentation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LYftLkg62ouVQ9enUPJ7e1LIs3Ijr81n?usp=sharing 01:07:51 Caitlin Bennyhoff: loss of family member, friends 01:07:53 Shelby Malone: Loss of jobs 01:07:55 Keri Nasdeo: isolation 01:08:00 Monica Weed: isolation from support systems 01:08:01 Kati Oakes Pusey: Loss of social contact through school 01:08:02 Corynne Ross: Death of grandparent who may be guardian 01:08:05 Anne Webb (BEASD): financial difficulties experienced by family 01:08:09 Isaac Tarbell (he/him): Community Violence 01:08:10 rlemieux: loss of support system 01:08:10 Christina Marco-Fies: parent mental health 01:08:11 Michelle: Increased stress on parental figures 01:08:17 rlemieux: loss of child care 01:08:18 Caitlin Bennyhoff: ongoing health issues, fear 01:08:24 Meghan Harbove: Mental health, loss of family member 01:08:31 rlemieux: difficulty accessing health care 01:08:46 npauzano: loss of access to basic provisions- food shelter 01:11:03 Caitlin Bennyhoff: Can you repeat the question? 01:11:04 Kati Oakes Pusey: communities coming together to support one another 01:11:21 Dr. Jason Pedersen - School Psychologist: Increased focus on the need for SEL 01:11:30 Rachel Lago: Stressing the need for MTSS (academics & behavior) 01:11:31 Anne Webb (BEASD): focus on mental health and SEL 01:11:32 Alisha Hall: Greater awareness of disparity 01:11:32 Robin Hojnoski: Increased parent involvement in children’s learning 01:11:38 Christina Marco-Fies: increased communication with families 01:11:41 Matthew Haines: more acknowledgement of the impact of mental health on education and development 01:11:44 Shelby Malone: More mental health supports for families 01:11:54 Isaac Tarbell (he/him): Restorative Practices and SEL in Schools 01:11:55 Brittany Collier: support for food insecurity 01:11:58 Diane Pauli: openness to examine a school's practices, beliefs 01:12:03 Heather Whary: Stressing the need for mental health supports and increased parental involvement 01:12:05 Meghan Harbove: increased mental health support in school and increased resources for families 01:12:11 Isaac Tarbell (he/him): Also Community Schools 01:12:24 Kati Oakes Pusey: mindfulness practices introduced in schools 01:13:02 Kevin Webber: I believe it has triggered the start of the recognition process for some of the systemic issues that exist within schools (internally). If they were present under typical circumstances, they've only been made more apparent due to the pandemic. 01:13:14 Nikole Hollins-Sims: Agreed Kevin... 01:14:53 Kati Oakes Pusey: perhaps some will experience trauma if their presidential candidate loses?? 01:16:04 Nikole Hollins-Sims: Yes Kati, why many BIPOC people are feeling very uneasy, and I can only speak from my lived experiences....and triggers many of the historical and racial trauma Dana highlighted for some of us 01:23:28 Dana Milakovic (she/her): PA Equitable Practices Hub: https://www.education.pa.gov/Schools/safeschools/equityandinclusion/EPH/Pages/default.aspx 01:25:02 Dana Milakovic (she/her): Empowerment Through Common Language in PA: A Dictionary of Terms Related to Trauma-Informed Approaches in Schools: https://www.education.pa.gov/Documents/K-12/Safe%20Schools/MentalHealth/Empowerment%20Through%20Common%20Langauge%20in%20PA.pdf 01:33:44 Isaac Tarbell (he/him): Consider Reading Blink by Malcom Gladwell for more on Implicit Bias! (Great read) 01:35:50 Dr. Jason Pedersen - School Psychologist: referrals 01:35:53 Dr. Jason Pedersen - School Psychologist: discipline 01:35:56 Caitlin Bennyhoff: office referrals 01:35:56 Rachel Lago: discipline 01:35:57 Anne Webb (BEASD): tiered support meetings 01:36:03 Alisha Hall: Whether they are trusted or not in disputes 01:36:04 Matthew Haines: ELLs struggling academically. 01:36:06 Rachel Lago: Parent involvement 01:36:08 Sam Glancey - School Psych. Intern: The way in which their teachers speak about them 01:36:08 Lauren Kaiser (she/her): In consultation sessions 01:36:11 Stacy Leathery: teacher interactions with students 01:36:19 Kathryn Westcott: assumptions of intent of behaviors 01:36:22 Diane Pauli: emotional support classrooms 01:36:35 Kati Oakes Pusey: ADHD vs. typically boy behavior 01:36:36 Matt: discipline versus coaching 01:37:06 Dr. Jason Pedersen - School Psychologist: Expectation of academic performance 01:54:01 Monica Weed: Our break out session talked about...This approach set up teachers to feel defensive rather than achieving buy-in. Recommendations: Provide advance notice and highlight a teacher that is doing great things Model vulnerability and have the principal share first or start with a video Consider what has changed for teachers Identify areas of strength to build upon rather than start with thinking of ways they're doing things incorrectly. Come in with a collaborative approach expressing a genuine interest in hearing the voices of the team and focusing on ways to improve moving forward, rather than dwelling on mistakes of the past 01:54:08 Sarah Stout: To get more buy-in: Principal should have surveyed the teachers to get their input on the climate—understand their own biases before presenting the activity (maybe complete the school climate survey). Allow teachers to time to understand what will be expected from them in this meeting. Encourage staff members to participate in ‘ice breaker’ with other staff members (outside typical groups), then introduce the topics when they are in the new groups. Allows them to see other perspectives right away. Allow some staff members to be ‘facilitators’ to guide the conversation Have staff get involved over the summer—get their input on where they are at with everything and then the staff members can provide feedback on what is appropriate in terms of PD related to it. Staff members need to feel like they have been heard! 01:54:48 Isaac Tarbell (he/him): In our group we kind of identified and issue inside of an issue. For staff to buy in, they need to have a voice in the adoption of the process. So in that, once staff have a voice in the process of problem identification, there would need to be some dialogue around community and school-based problems and how they can be shared (two things can be true). Additionally, Communities need to buy into schools… Thats an additional process we discussed. 01:54:59 rlemieux: We discussed that the principal could have had a framework for the activity. She did not tie the activity with a goal or outcome, which could have made it come across as accusatory. 01:55:09 rlemieux: Ideas for improving things: 01:56:18 Dr. Jason Pedersen - School Psychologist: Recommendations: Find common ground and assumptions about students and their potential for learning. Find those common beliefs to prepare staff for discussion. Introduce concept of implicit bias before talking about staff’s bias. Once that is done, Start with sharing that we will feel uncomfortable and need to push through. 01:56:29 Shelby Malone: To begin, it is important to approach this situation through a trauma informed lens. This might involve going beyond just listening and working with the teacher to learn why they are thinking that way. We can then do our best to understand their perspective. The principle should challenge the teacher to think about how we can change student perspective. 01:56:35 rlemieux: collect data regarding how students feel or parents feel and gather data on bias. Providing case examples for teachers to review and give input on/make decisions on. Working in smaller break out groups vs. a larger group to allow for more open dialogue. Having the principal share about her own experience. And Finally, taking a step back and getting input on what the teachers feel are barriers for engagement. 01:57:01 Shelby Malone: It may also be helpful to discuss scenarios of student backgrounds/environments, and experiences to explain the importance of the program. 01:57:13 Sam Glancey - School Psych. Intern: Our group discussed that the principal should have prompted the group to discuss the strengths of students and then pull out the commonalities that teachers are discussing in terms of the student’s strengths. These common themes can then be applied to the student body as whole. This can help pull the conversation in a more positive direction 01:57:14 Dr. Jason Pedersen - School Psychologist: Don’t indulge defensiveness 01:58:01 Shelby Malone: The principal can also reflect and show empathy to the teacher expressing their feelings. As educators, we intentionally try to work hard for our students. The principal can validate the fact that while students may not be interested in school, but problem-solve how we can make school more interesting and enticing, then data collection. 01:58:36 Nikole Hollins-Sims: Jason, right......a difference in indulging and engaging in a courageous conversation to push through discomfort... 01:58:56 Nikole Hollins-Sims: Shelby, on point! 01:59:16 Isaac Tarbell (he/him): Yay protective factors and strength-based assessment! 02:00:58 Nikole Hollins-Sims: We are so happy to be among family today as school psychologists, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at anytime! 02:01:14 Isaac Tarbell (he/him): Wonderful content - Thank you so much! 02:01:18 Sam Jones: Thank you! 02:01:18 Olivia Burk - School Psychologist Intern: Thank you so much! 02:01:21 Marjorie Paradise: Thank you! 02:01:21 Monica Weed: Thank you! 02:01:22 Matt: Thank you so much!!! 02:01:24 Anne Webb (BEASD): Thank you so much1 02:01:24 Kevin Webber: Thank you! 02:01:24 rlemieux: Thank you 02:01:24 Keri Nasdeo: Thanks! 02:01:25 Christina Marco-Fies: Thank you! 02:01:26 Heather Whary: Thank you! 02:01:27 Jen Skirtich: thanks! 02:01:28 kcanale: Thank you! 02:01:29 Jennifer Matthews: Thank you! 02:01:30 Dr. Jason Pedersen - School Psychologist: Thank you. Great session 02:01:30 Shelby Malone: Thank you all! 02:01:36 Corynne Ross: Thank you! :) 02:01:37 Meghan Ferraro: Thank you!! 02:01:45 Brittany Collier: Thanks so much! 02:01:55 Kathryn Westcott: thank you!